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Types of Services We Offer

Land sourcing

Herxide identifies and acquires sites on behalf of developer and investor clients.

We are constantly searching for land with residential planning permission (or pending planning permission) and also strategic greenfield and brownfield sites that have future development potential. We work closely with our clients to find a site that is suitable and fits their specific land requirements in their chosen area.

We handle all shapes and sizes of land, from unique individual plots for bespoke properties to large, multi-unit developments. The company also has experience in the more specialised care home, retirement and student accommodation sectors.

We have an established marketing campaign, which enables to have a regular stream of opportunities.



Most established developers have inhouse planners. However, smaller developers or investors often prefer not to risk buying or considering a plot without planning permission. At Herxide, we can assist our clients to gain planning permission.



Project management

While we specialise in sourcing land and opportunities for our clients, we can also offer other services. In particular, we can help those individual investors who are looking to acquire a site or property within our geographical area but who do not have the time to project manage the planning, site development or conversion.

Private Policy


© 2019 Herxide Management Ltd (UK)

Reg Number: 65896015

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