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Types of Sites WANTED

Development sites take many forms – greenfield, brownfield, commercial or conversion, and so on. We work with a broad range of individuals and organisations, and our need for land and building plots illustrates that diversity.

Below are some of the most common types of sites we are looking for. However, this list is not limited to what our current clients are looking for.

Brownfield sites, close to residential areas, are particularly sought after. They are defined as ‘previously developed land’ that has the potential for redevelopment. It is often (but not always) land that has been used for industrial and commercial purposes and is now derelict and possibly contaminated. Examples include garages and petrol stations.

Commercial sites are associated with business uses. These may take a variety of forms: commercial buildings, offices, hotels, storage sites, brownfield land and greenfield sites suitable for business use.

Mixed-use properties are generally found in town high streets. Usually the ground floor or basement is dedicated to a commercial activity, and the floors above are either commercial premises or currently used as residential accommodation.

Greenfield land is undeveloped land in a city or rural area and is used for agriculture or landscape design or left to evolve naturally. These areas of land are usually agricultural, or they might be amenity properties that are being considered for urban development.

Greenfield land can be unfenced open fields, urban lots or restricted closed properties, kept off limits to the general public by a private or government entity. They can be with or without planning consent.

We class agricultural sites as land that does not have development potential but may suit a pony paddock or farming/agricultural if on a larger scale. Leisure use is also a possibility. Greenbelt land would normally fit into this category.

Traditional residential housing sites are not usually used as single family homes, due to their larger size. For example, they can be care homes, student accommodation, sheltered accommodation or houses in multiple occupation (HMOs).

Land assembly sites include, for example, large back-garden plots.

Sometimes potential development sites in the right location can be in several ownerships and this can be very frustrating especially if the owners are difficult to track down or are unwilling to sell. We specialise in finding the owners of site sections and have all the skills necessary for assembling sites to enable development or to create ‘marriage value’.

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